About the program

"Mama-entrepreneur" helps moms open their own business and combine family care with self-realization.

The goal of the program
is to provide the necessary knowledge and help develop skills that will allow mothers
to open their own business, fulfill themselves and gain financial independence.

The first and only federal program of free education in the basics of entrepreneurship in Russia, which was developed for women who are on maternity leave and have minor children.

2020 Results

The tight deadlines for the program implementation, caused by the pandemic and self-isolation, didn't prevent us from conducting 1,720 hours of training in 43 regions of Russia for 1,100 participants
in 6 months, and awarding 43 grants
in the amount of 4,300,000 rubles.
More than 40 Amway Leaders participated
in the program as experts.

the grant amount

And also...

We continued to run a program for special mothers – mothers
of large families, foster mothers, and mothers of children with special needs. This year the social format of the program was held in Perm. The winner was Tatyana Babenko, a mother of three children, with the "OASIS" project, a health club for residents
of a small town in the north of the Perm Territory.

What did we do
during isolation?

We rebranded the program, including updating the website

The site

Made a rebranding and intensified our work
in social networks

Social networks

We did some research and found out...

Mama-entrepreneur in Russia: who is she?
Woman 30-39 years old – 68%;
Married – 79%;
1-2 children – 83%.
The program:
Heard about the program "Mama-Entrepreneur" – 73%;
Have an education in the business field – 43%;
Ready to participate in business programs – 82%.
Mom's business – what is it like? The main criteria for a successful business:
Do what you love – 66%;
Benefit society – 57%;
Plan your life – 56%;
Financial result – 31%.
Reported loss of business efficiency during the pandemic – 47%.

Success stories 2020

Anastasia Ovsyannikova
Tver region, two children
Project: "Pastilushki ot Nastyushki" – eco-sweets without the use of synthetic sugar
The idea of ​​my project is to create healthy, and at the same time tasty and satisfying snacks. My products are
eco-pastila, fruit chips, granola and snacks. I tried to seize every opportunity to develop my project, so when I found out about such a program, I immediately decided to participate.
I received a powerful boost of energy to move on and develop my project.

I spent the grant I won on additional equipment: a decoder and a blender, bought more tables and racks, furnished
my room. One thing I know for sure - you need to dream,
but without small steps towards the realization of dreams
and actions, nothing will work.
Ekaterina Mozheiko
Moscow, three children
Project: Harry Potter thematic workshop – handmade gifts
The story of my project began about 2 years ago. After watching the movie Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, my son asked me to make him a magic wand – this is how
the idea of ​​​​my business came about.

I learned about the "Mama-Entrepreneur" program from social networks and immediately wanted to participate. Participation in the program gave me a lot of new knowledge, communication with women who are truly passionate about their work, and, most importantly, the program gave me confidence in myself and my project. Thanks to the grant received, we created the site BombardoMaxima.ru and are now busy filling it. I want to wish other mothers not to forget that what we are most afraid of is actually the most necessary for our further development!
Tatiana Antonenko
Altai Krai, two children
Project: "Living Science" – interactive lessons and excursions for children of preschool and school age
The idea of ​​creating my Living Science project was born
a long time ago, but so far it has only worked at
the university. And then I tried to conduct classes with children of primary school age and saw that they really liked them. I learned about the "Mama-Entrepreneur" program from the Instagram stories of Natalya Butakova, the winner
of the program in the Altai Krai in 2019. And I immediately decided to participate!

What did participation in the program give me? First, it is knowledge. My project was literally "combed". Secondly, communication with cool speakers and participants.
And thirdly, winning and receiving a grant allowed me to buy a lot of interesting and necessary things for the project.
Tatyana Cheglakova
Saint Petersburg, one child
Project: "Holz" – carpentry workshop
In 2019, my husband left his job and received a grant through the labor exchange to open an individual entrepreneur, namely a carpentry workshop. I started working with him.
We increasingly received requests for light, comfortable furniture and interior items in the style of minimalism. So we began to lean towards the production of plywood furniture.
Participation in the program gave me an incentive to act:
to learn, to get acquainted, to learn and not to be afraid!

For all mothers who dream of starting their own business, I want to say: act and do not be afraid! There will be mistakes, but it's not as scary as inaction.


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